Motion sickness glasses for vertigo
Motion sickness glasses for vertigo

motion sickness glasses for vertigo

If you or someone in your family sustained a head injury and is experiencing symptoms such as headaches or dizziness, we highly recommend being tested for VH.

motion sickness glasses for vertigo

The disorder is also commonly caused by head injuries. VH can be caused be a hereditary condition in which you are born with one eye physically a bit higher than the other. The resulting stress can lead to dizziness, lightheadedness and a feeling of being disoriented. While this ensures that one clear image rather than two disjointed ones are sent to your brain for processing, the extra work will eventually cause your ocular muscles to become strained and fatigued. The brain responds to VH by forcing the muscles in your eyes to align the uneven images. For example, an image may appear slightly higher in your left eye than in your right eye. This is a binocular vision dysfunction resulting from a misalignment in your eyes that causes each eye to see images at slightly different levels. If the above symptoms sound familiar, you may have a condition known as vertical heterophoria (VH). “I’ve been experiencing migraines for years. “I feel anxious when I am at the mall or in a large crowd.” It’s as though my eyes can’t keep up with my head movements.” “I feel lightheaded when turning my head from side to side. “I experience lightheadedness or dizziness when I bend down to pick something up.”

motion sickness glasses for vertigo

“I often feel anxious when driving or riding in a car.”

Motion sickness glasses for vertigo